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The movie Arrival has discussed the Synchronicity of time, communication graphics by aliens and the

I believe that the story of the movie Arrival was far from what everyone had expected. Let’s talk about the movie’s focus in three parts, which might be easier to understand if you’ve read Seth’s books.

First, it debates the concept of time through the prevision capability of the leading actress, Louis. The human kind has been considering that time follows the linear-logic – the past is passed and the future is not yet arrived. However, the aliens experience time synchronously. That’s why they foresee the future. The aliens ‘now’ come to the earth and help the human being because the aliens in the future 3,000 years later will need help from humans. Therefore, the past, present and the future are synchronized. The aliens told Louis that she knows precognition, however, according to Seth, without any obstruction, every one is born with precognition. Maybe it’s because that Louis is a linguist of various languages, she is able to step into multiple consciousness and gets easier to sense the future.

The general precognition is the strongest possibility that you can perceive. But the ‘you’ in the present always have the option to make a different choice. Do you remember at the end of the movie, Louis asked Ian, the leading actor, “if the you in the present were able to foresee your whole life, what would you like to change?” This echoes the statement above.

There are some examples about synchronized time in Seth’s books. For instance, why did you come to this party? Because you will meet the person you are getting married with five years later. Seth said that, what you will be defines what you are currently.

Second, aliens’ communication graphics. There were full of circles in the film, just like the visual acuity scale shows you different directions of the notches. Lumania culture, the second civilization before Atlantis that was mentioned in the 15th chapter of Seth’s The Eternal Validity of the Soul, had highly developed technology progress. Their ways of communication were also graphics. We don’t know that if it’s similar with seven-foot aliens’ circle graphics in this movie.

Finally, you can find many songs with deep low frequency in the soundtracks. It seems dull, tedious and with no melodies. But, it’s powerful. After repeatedly listening, you can feel what Seth called ‘the sound of the universe’ – om, the first sound of Om Mani Padme Hum, the mantra in Buddhism.

Just like the video clip I’ve found on YouTube. (Let me know if there’s any license concerns.

The Lumanians which we mentioned above, were good at using sounds. They were able to move heavy objects by sounds.

In the movie, when aliens wanted to save Louis and Ian, they used their antennas to flap the transparent wall and produced sound waves that pushed them away with vibrations. Maybe it’s the same theory.

At the end of the movie, it started to play very perceptual, peaceful, safe and fearless stringed music soundtracks, which circled around and around to fill the love of the universe.

You can search Arrival 2016 - Opening & Ending Soundtrack or Max Richter - On the Nature of Daylight in YouTube.

When Louis stared Ian with her blue eyes during deciphering the alien’s language, with this soundtrack, she saw, with her precognition, the man in front of her would become her future partner. She thought, I’ve read about my life, and what kind of changes may I make ahead……

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