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Track No.1 Nessless Order in the The Great Wall OST presents western women vocal music with voices f

The original soundtrack of The Great Wall can give some similarities among every track – strong nationality and the desire to represent the great history pride…

How clever! China even especially invited the German-Iranian composer, Ramin Djawadi, to create the soundtrack of The Great Wall. His master piece, the theme song of Game of Thrones, has been revised and re-created by series fans around the world.

Track No.1 Nessless Order appeared at 5’37” in the trailer. When you watch the movie and get to this scene, please feel bright point of the Chinese women vocal music in the track Nessless Order, where they sing distinctly from the western style. These women were all in blue, who looked soft from the outside but actually were fearless deeply in the heart. The power of fearless, as the movie highlighted at the later part, came from “trust.”

You can check Track No.1 in The Great Wall OST on YouTube with Ramin Djawadi - "Nameless Order" (The Great Wall OST)

Trailer of The Great Wall

The discussion on “trust” went through the whole movie. The stretching long landmark, the Great Wall, split the scene into two: the human world and the monster world; or the red and the green world. (There were more red soldiers guarding the Great Wall and the color red leads people to think of China.)

Both sides of the Great Wall had a leader, and they were both female. The group presented well-organized and extremely focused cohesion under the leader’s commands. The lines between each person were vague. They simply trusted each other and see themselves as parts of the one big group. The group was everything. The “we” of the group means the bigger “I.”. It aimed to create the thriving reproduction of the group.




Under the one-child policy, the patriarchy old thinking are almost gone in China nowadays. So the female commander as a Chinese hero played by Jung Tian didn’t seem abrupt.

Furthermore, if comparing the Chinese soldiers with the two western leading actors, they seemed thin and frail. Chinese skeletons are just originally smaller than the western. Besides, all professions in the country focused on literatures and thoughts following the traditions, rather than building bodies. That’s why the momentum on wars in the Great Wall made a great difference from the western movies that highlight muscles.

Maybe we need to first get off our western film art framework and look at Chinese war films with understandings on history and geography. War movies can have different forms.

Along the history, China mostly didn’t initiate to attack other nations but more on self defense. That’s how the Great Wall was built. Even in the glorious Ming dynasty, which held the definite power of ocean, it only brought business and culture communications.

Any nations have its peaks and downs. From the end of the Qing dynasty to late 20th century, China gave an image of closed and weak. But, the China in the 21th century has again risen up with Deng Xiaoping’s open policy and the assistance from all the powerful oversea Chinese, including Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong.


The map at the beginning of the Ming dynasty (Source:

The United States as the present country that holds definite power on ocean, however, won’t allow any status to change for its strong suspicion. China has been promising in public, but it influenced little. Besides, its army force to protect itself is limited. So it just showed where it stands through a Hollywood movie, and asked Matt Demon, a good imaged Oscar actor, to play a role that trusted China.

China just wants to feed its 1.3 billion population and reproduce the races now. It has created Western Policy and One Belt One Road to do business and make a win-win for each other. By avoiding the U.S. ocean leading power and going along the land, China wants to connect Eurasia closely into one. Of course it also wants to return to the historical pride, however, with addressing on causing no more threats. Therefore it declared to the whole world through the fire at the Great Wall in the movie.

The Great Wall was directed by Zhang Yimou. Although every shot were beautiful, they presented Xi Jinping’s thinking everywhere.

In addition to what I’ve mentioned above, the guarding general role played by female seemed to address that no matter of the capabilities and the power between genders, they have the same opportunities. It indicated that women could also protect the China nation.

This female general also symbolizes China. With the theme song, she jumped down from the Great Wall and killed Taotie. She had a soft and weak look but was actually fearless in heart – to show the world that China also fears nothing.

At last, Taotie in Chinese mythology symbolizes for greed. Since being as the prime minister, Xi often clears corruption. Greed, meanwhile, also indicated the powerful nations nowadays. So, the art from China seems still relate to politics.



The stretching long landmark, the Great Wall, split the scene into two: the human world and the monster world; or the red and the green world.


Money! It’s a coincidence or a metaphor from China?

Get back to The Great Wall OST. I also recommend track No.7 A Clean Start and No.8 We Are Not The Same, where clearly show Chinese traditional instruments such as yangqin, Pipa and bamboo flute, Both sound great.

YouTube only has track No.1. You need to use Spotify or iTunes to find other tracks.

I guess, Ramin Djawadi would need to get familiar with the Chinese traditional instruments first before composing the soundtrack for the Great Wall. Not to say the thinking along with the 5,000 years of Chinese history and the new policy in the 21th century, he also needed to know about. Then plus his inspiration, the fantastic soundtracks were therefore created.。


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